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The circular economy concept has been widely discussed for the past few years as industries seek sustainable solutions to reduce waste and...
Kemasan makanan dan minuman kini memainkan peran yang penting dalam proses pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan manusia. Kita bisa menemukannya di warung,...
Packaging plays a crucial role in our everyday modern lives. You see them in stores, advertisements, online shops, and even in the kitchen of your own...
BOPP and BOPET have been two of the most popular packaging materials for decades. Thanks to their clarity, strength, and printing capabilities,...
The Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. You can easily find FMCG products on the shelves...
Logo berbentuk segitiga yang ada di bawah botol minum kemasan mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi kita. Logo ini biasanya di temani dengan angka dan...